Monday, 16 May 2011

Royal Knockout!

We just had some worksheets to fill in for what we thought Prince William and Princess Kate Middleton were thinking the day before their wedding, and then what we personally thought of the royal wedding.

I missed doing these in lesson, so I didn't fill them in until after I'd been to the royal wedding, so I'd already given it a fair bit of thought. I thought that William would be thinking about how he'll be king, about his mom, and about how he got to marry the woman he loves instead of someone he had to marry for political reasons, which most royals end up having to do, and I don't think that'd be much fun. I thought Kate would be thinking about all the pressure, how she'll be entering the history books and all the people that were watching.


I'd already drawn a picture to express my feelings about the royal wedding experiance. I camped out with my mate (the one who does my dinners) and her mate from back home. We got their at half 11, went to bed (by bed I mean we huddled under a sleeping back and put our head on the curb. I understand now why tramps constantly want to drink booze, I couldn't imagine trying to sleep outside on the streets unless I was drunk. Otherwise it'd just be far too uncomfortable) at half 2, woke up at half 4 when everyone else woke up. Got a coffee and then because we only had like sleeping bags and booze between us we packed up quickly and got a spot almost at the barrier. Someone shouted we were ruining it for everyone, but they could've got up at half 3 if they wanted time to pack up their tents. I saw the whole thing from the side the guests were going in. I managed to see the queen and Borris Johnson, and whilst it was a pretty massive nause having to be stuck still for 8 hours it was an experiance, and I just think whilst I'm in London why not take advantage of that fact. So, here's what I drew to express my "royal wedding experience":


This is my last Graphics project, I've really enjoyed the year. I found all the projects engaging and just wish I'd had as much enthusiasm at the start of the year as I do now.

Wish You Were Here

This project we had to redesign postcards so they were really different to normal postcards.

I decided to make 3D postcards, but stick to regular post card dimensions. As it was a sunny day I decided to go around central London and photograph some of the landmarks. I went round:
- Houses of Parliament
- Buckingham Palace
- Hyde Park
- Trafalgar Square
- Oxford Street
- Camden Locks

However when I got to Hyde park my camera ran out of battery and I had to go back home pretty disgruntled. I tried again the next day with a full battery and took some better shots anyway.

I took photographs at different distances to the landmarks so I could layer them and then one from the left angle and one from the right angle for the closest layer.

I kept the furthest picture intact and cut out the closer layers so you could see some of the background behind them. And then I just used a consertina so that they could be flattened or in 3D.

My favourite is the Camden one, as I managed to catch a couple of rockers sat on the bridge and one of them glared at me; I like how it shows what Camden's like without using the place but the people, who are a staple of it anyway.

Here's how it looks in my portfolio:


Iconoclastic Plastic

For this project we had to turn a regular house hold item into an icon.

I chose to turn a tea spoon into a religeous icon, because people always seem to offer cups of tea in times of crisis instead of looking to God these days, and I like that idea that the new religeon is having a hot drink and sighing about things being wrong.

I went with a stained glass window and heavy handed catholic colour scheme to show that it was a religeous icon, here's how it looks:


Feature Shop

For this project I had to come up with a feature film idea including the locations, characters, plot, costumes and some dialog.

I came up with a zombie film where people turned into zombies through a hypnotising virus that circulated around facebook, and the protagonist was really anti facebook and technology.

My pitch went well and it was chosen to be one of 3 films we made during the lesson, however we used a sony video camera to record it and then when we tried to get the footage off we had a whole raft of problems, which was annoying. We filmed the scene where Will (computer guy) is trying to crack the anti virus and Rod (the anti technology guy) holds the zombie back. Unfatunately we couldn't edit it together or show the rest of the class, but everyone worked pretty well together to make it.

Then everyone had to make a trailer for their own film. I didn't do this until I got back on campus, and it was pretty difficult to convince everyone to be a zombie because it was cold. But thankfully Jack and Neil were willing to run around and shout things outside for me. The trailer was only meant to be 30 seconds long, but 50 was the best I could get with it still making sense, some people were over 2 mins so I don't think I did too badly.

Here it is:


For this project we had to come up with 100 new uses for a single regular sort of house brick. This was one of my favourite projects and I tried really hard with the lay out, usually I just drop the pictures onto Xara and print it as they land (not really, but I just went extra detailed with the lay out for this project) but everything was exactly right for this one. And all the drawings were drawn on the computer so they look good.

I did it before with 4 collumns at the bottom, but redid it with 5 all the way along instead of having a gap in the middle. I could have let it slide, I liked it before, but this was the project I feel happiest about so I felt it warrented the small touch up.

here it is:


I usually try to avoid being proud or thinking too much of myself as I don't think it's healthy, but this one project I felt like I'd done better than the rest of the class.