Sunday, 20 November 2011

Circus of Sound

This project was similar to the last one in that it was all about typography, but the brief was really quite confusing. the idea though was:

create cd covers for 11 of the 12 songs listed

-hughe ashton's playground
-autumn in warsaw
-incarnation II
-play piano study no. 11
-even tenor
-forlorn hope fancy
-sonata no. 5
-the alcotts
-ship in the embrace of the endless dark ocean

I decided not to use the alcotts, cause I didn't get any feelings when I listened to it.

Turned out that the list of songs we were given were most of an album (Play) by a woman called Joanna Macgregor, so I bought the album and me and my house mate, Jack, sat and listened to it and imagined it was a film soundtrack and tried to visualise scenes that fitted with the music. I wrote these down and then turned them into watercolour paintings.

-A small ship in a storm
-palm trees on a beach with bits of rubble on it
-an explorer climbing over bones in a cave fleeing from a giant spider
-someone floating at the bottom of a waterfall in a jungle
-a cannibal baby
-a monkey publishers
-a woman tied up in the boot of a car
-men standing around a man they've killed
-a man at the bar drinking his sorrows away
-a meth-lab run by a red-neck fox
-and finally a muslim exorcism

I chose to use the font family: Didot throughout, as it has a classic and elegent feel. I realised a little later that the brief had been written in the same font.

Here's what my collection of CD covers looked like at the end:


I unfortunately missed the crit for this project on account of being ill. I was going to say: "if I'm honest this brief left me cold" but I think that it's blatantly obvious that I disliked this project. Out of all the projects I've done in second year Graphics this would be the one where I'd scrap it and start completely fresh, and I don't mean my work I mean change the brief to something stimulating.

Here is how the brief should have been:
Get a random assortment of songs, REALLY random, so loads tracks from all the genres for the past 50 years say. Cut them out of their printer paper so they are all individual, then have each member of the class take 8 randomly out of a hat. Then say to them, through use of good typography and shit I want you create a set of 8 singles, one for each of the tracks you have and brand them so they part of a set. So I've got a Beatles track and a Slipknot track and an R. Kelly track etc and I need to bring them together into a cohesive form? Now that sounds interesting. Instead all we got were most of the track list off the back of one of Tim's albums, an album that already exists, that I bought and which as far as classical music goes isn't very good at all. Since finishing this project I've not listening to Joanna McGregor's Play album, and bare in mind that I stayed up all last night with Classical FM on, so I'm not just hating the genre, it really is a bad CD.

I realise I've been rather scathing, but I have offered an alternative to the brief which I hope for the sake of next years 2nd years is used instead.