Sunday, 3 April 2011

Dream Project

After everyone (I say everyone, I'm not including myself in that everyone) moaned at the teachers because they haven't liked the projects so far (like say, I've had no issue with any of the projects) they set the next brief as "Invent your own dream project".

It was a really nice sunny day (I'd spent my lunch out on the grass with some friends) and I couldn't help but think about warm summery type things. I came up with a few summer holiday inspired ideas, but went with this one:

"Come to Sunny Prestatyn

Design a holiday brochure for the area you live in (if you live on campus design it for Beckton, not the university accommodation).

Create a 4 page A5 booklet including front and back cover and artwork it onto A2.

You can be as truthful as you like, so long as you sell the location as a good holiday destination."

The title's from a Phillip Larkin poem, not where my parents live (which is Wythall), if you've read the poem then the title will make a bit of sense, if you haven't then you'll just ask me if that's where I'm from. I'm not even from wythall (nevermind Prestatyn), we moved there from croydon.

I was told by someone that the brief I'd come up with was what the kids over at central st martins are doing at the moment, that isn't why I made it up though. I just thought that most of the people at UEL don't live in the nicest areas, they don't live in touristy places, so it would be interesting to see them try to sell it. And for me it would be an excuse to learn a bit more about beckton. Currently I just know what time various shops are open till and the best route by which to get to those shops, that and where the hospital is (about an hours walk north (and slightly west). When I got to the hospital I also discovered that the 474 bus will take me from cyprus station to the hospital in 10 minutes. Still though, I had a nice walk doing it, saw some horses and a horse and cart, which I might've missed had I gone by bus.

Anyway, my brief wasn't picked, Ereda's was.

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