Sunday, 30 October 2011

"Quotes" Poster

This was a purely typographical project were each student got given a separate quote. Some people had things Einstein had said, and other people had things philosophers and presidents and the like had said. I got a quote from the Old Testament of the Bible. I didn't realise this at first though, I thought it was some sort of wishy-washy poem from the end of the 1800s or something. Here's the quote:

"Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth for your love is better than wine"

-Song of Songs

When I thought it was a poem from late 1800s my initial thought was some over the top frilly fancy calligraphy type font, but then we were told not to do the obvious, and that struck a chord in my head.

With this quote we had to design an A1 poster that had our quote, the alphabet, numbers and punctuation marks on it in the font we'd chosen. We also had to Design a T-shirt, a Billboard poster mockup and then write an essay about why I'd chosen what I had based on the quote and stuff.

I haven't ever looked at typography as just something by itself, so this was a bit of a new thing for me. Jonathan said "Learn the rules, then break them" so I decided being as I'm learning the rules I best do my best not to break them just yet. Other people in class did the opposite and broke the rules and ended up with illegible work that just used big fonts (like famous ones cause their good) and things like that.

Anyway, after taking a hefty bible out of the library I decided the font I needed had to:
-look old, quote is from the old testament of the bible, or at least look old
-Needs to be super embelished
-needs to be romantic and poetic

I bought a magazine that came with a little booklet (it was like a typography special coincidently, which was pretty useful) with the 150 odd best fonts ever in all the different catagorys. So I looked through this for something I felt was sympathetic to my quote, because there's so many fonts out there, let's just go through a shortlist of the best ones to save some time.

I did find a font that fitted those 3 things, Burgues Script. But the problem with it is it was the obvious choice, and it seemed so light and airy, whereas Kari Display Pro had some weight (it's a quote from the bible afterall, a weighty thing itself), but was also described as "seductive, lovely, shapely, Kari's charm has a hint of danger to it" and that just seemed to feel like my quote. Because people have tried to have the chapter in the bible it's from removed. Also, it is an attractive font that isn't ultra common. Once I had the font, I created the A1 poster:


After this I took elements from the quote for the other 2 formats.

For the billboard I used Kari Display Pro Wide and took an excerpt from the quote "love is better than wine" which is a phrase I'd said fairly often to my mom in the past, and I felt like it would be a good thing to have on billboards for people to read and just think about their drink problems.


For the t-shirt I thought it'd be head turning/thought provoking if I wore a t-shirt that said "let him kiss me" on it, I'm straight, so I don't really want men to kiss me, but I thought it would be a bit of a joke. With the t-shirt I got some iron on transfer sheets that you could print onto and then place on to the fabric and just iron. We didn't have an iron so I used one of the girls' straiteners, which worked fine.


Then lastly for the essay I took the shape of the stanzas in the song of solomon and put my text in the same pattern.


I was the only person who had all 4 elements done, whilst I was praised for my choice of font I was accused of not laying the A1 poster out in a way that was sensitive to the quote. Least you could read all of it though.

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