Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Logo for Julia

I was ill the day we got this brief, but I made this a while ago.

Julia told me that:
-she's russian
-she likes baking
-she likes the film spun
-she likes shoes
-she has a lizard

So I morphed the iconic hammer and sickle soviet russia emblem so that it had a cake instead of a star, and a shoe and a lizard instead of a hammer and sickle. I used the same colour scheme as well.

This is how it turned out:


I feel like a bit of a pillock for doing the logo so small compared to the paper. That's something to bare in mind for next time.

I've since redone this project using Xara (like illustrator only affordable) and I've been able to expand the size of the logo and also re-orient it to be portrait, here's how it looks in my portfolio now:


I'm really happy with the end result, it looks like before only crisper and bigger.

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