Wednesday, 24 November 2010

pound coin project

We had to redesign the pound coin to represent the current economic state.

To make it more interesting we were offered the chance to put a quid into a pot, and then Edd and Dan'd choose the best design and that person would win all the money in the pot. I was under the impression that we had to pitch our idea, and I'd recently read that giving clients something to hold or look at helps draw them into choosing you, so I decided to give this a go.

I went out and bought a sheet of foam board and a can of gold spray paint and after designing what I wanted on the front and back:


I got to work. The spray paint I got was really watery and basically crumpled the pound coin I'd made up, so I thought that I'd wasted all of my time and money on making it, and then I hastily drew up some design sheets to go along with my little object


Anyway, only turns out that the fact that it all went sloppy and horrible is the reason they chose it. I couldn't believe it. So I won £33, which was awesome.

Here's some pics of the pound coin thing that won it for me:


I've since been asked to collaborate with Tanya from the friday class to create a peanut poundcoin. More on that later.

I've taken a good quality photograph of my poundcoin now for my portfolio, here's how it looks:


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