Monday, 21 March 2011

My Favourite Dress

The brief here was to design and make a dress for a girl I know. This was one of those projects that just made my head explode. I hate sewing, and I'm not a fan of fashion (I can appreciate it's a skill, just not one that I'm really interested in at all), AND the girl that I would have had in mind was no longer my girlfriend, so I left it and left it.

Then it occured to me that I know a girl who does fashion, and that she'd be the perfect candidate to design my dress for, as anything I needed help with she'd be the person to go to, and I also had this notion that she'd spent all her time designing dresses for other girls to wear, perhaps she'd like a chance to model herself (I later discovered that posing for photographs was her worst nightmare, so I was somewhat off the mark with the "chance to model herself" idea, but the rest was right).

So I waited for Chloe to return after the christmas holidays and we got cracking. The only problem was that Chloe's sleeping pattern was the opposite to mine, she'd turned nocturnal over the holidays, but there were a few hours (between about 9pm and 2/3 in the morning) where we had a cross over point of both being awake.

As Chloe is quite a dark person (she likes somewhat macabre things (not to an extreme, she isn't a goth) and has a somewhat sinister sense of humour) and a little out of control sometimes we decided that a dark colour (black or charcoaly) would be right, and to show her crazyness we'd try to use a straight jacket for inspiration, and adding a hood would up the sinisterness of it.



I'm really happy with the dress. Chloe admittedly did most of the sewing (I was told that sewing is something that can't really be undone very well, and with my limited funds I couldn't really afford for it to go wrong) but I helped out with all the rest of it. Originally I'd wanted more buckles, as they show the straight jacket feel the most, but money was a limiting factor and so only 1 on each arm and one on the back were possible. I like how it can be worn in a variety of ways, hood up, hoody down, arms through the sleeves, arms through the shoulders, and all tied up if you wanted.

The rest of the photos from our modelling shoot (which was a horrible experiance for Chloe, but quite fun for me) are below:



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