Saturday, 15 January 2011

I Like Psych

We were told to write an essay about ourselves. Rather than focus on the fact that my girlfriend had decided to dump me the night before because some scum bag was flirting with her and I couldn't afford to go see her anymore because I'd already spent all my money on trying to make her feel special, I instead wrote about everything I could that didn't include her. That might've messed up my essay a little, as for the past 2 years she had been a pretty big part of my life, but I wrote about my parents, why I left home, going for walks in the morning, my cat, my old flatmate, a lack of heating, warhammer, being skinny and smoking.

At the end of the day (I'd finished writing my essay pretty early and spent most of the afternoon contemplating my new singleness and short hair (which was a result of getting drunk to cheer myself up)) we were told we had to artwork our essays.

To me, this meant just reading through the essay and visually represnting everything I could. I tried to make the pictures flow along like the essay had, I think I did that quite well.


At the end of it I came to the conclusion that I like being on my own and like spending time with other people in around about equal amounts. That,and the watercolour pencils in the red tin don't work.

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