Saturday, 15 January 2011

Research Musts

I missed this project as I was at the student money protests, which after learning a lot more about seemed to be quite a waste of time. Turns out those Labour scoundrels have built it up into a much bigger deal than it actually was, I'm still annoyed at Nick Clegg for lieing in his manifesto, but I voted Tory anyway. It might benefit me actually, cause it won't cost people anymore to go to uni until they graduate and get a job paying £21000, but then they will have more debt to pay off, so maybe that'll result in a pay increase for uni graduates which I'll get, but I'll still have the smaller amount to pay off. The only thing I'm opposed to is reducing the teaching budget, but it seems that a lot of what being at university's about is doing work off your own back, so maybe that won't affect me too much.

Anyway, I did this project after everyone else, which worked out pretty well I'd say, as the library's selection of books on art seems to be mostly stuff about really old artists (like 1250-1400s) and not really any good for finding contemporary stuff, so if I'd had to share these resources with the rest of my class I've no idea how I would've managed. As it was though I had the run of the art section in the library.

The main thing I learnt is that people in the art profession seem to pidgeon-hole themselves a lot more these days, whereas artists/designers in the past seemed to be involved with as many different disciplines as possible and still be good. I'd much rather be one of the do lots of different things type artists (like Bruno Munani) than the just does one type of thing artists.

We had to make a visual list, so I photocopied artwork belonging to 5 Artists, 5 Designers, 5 Illustrators and 5 Photographers and then cut their names into it with a scalpel.


Not only did I learn about 20 new people within the art world, I'm also quite good at cutting out backwards letters with a scalpel now.

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