It was more the shape of a butterfly wing that was important, we could do any design we liked inside. As surveillance and the whole engine of fear is a hobby horse of mine I decided to make my wing a lopsided heart shape with eyes, security cameras, cogs and pistons, explosions, spikey shapes, a FE:AR clock and of course, the stamping boot inside it ("If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face--for ever." - Nineteen Eighty-Four).
On the right is my hand drawn version, and on the left the printed version. The printed one came out a little differently to the analogue version, but I know how to fix that problem now, and the only difference (other than colours, which is probably down to my camera being quite old and shitn now and it being tricky to gauge exactly what colour something on the screen will be when it's printed)is the size, and the printed one's only a little bit bigger.
On the upside, due to my cock up with printing it I got a free square copy of it (I had my first experiance of argueing with the printers, it was all my fault, but I guess the guys at fab-pad are pretty reasonable, and it was my first time using the service so they let me off) so I now have a square poster of my digital butterfly wing on the wall, which is pretty cool.
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